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Christian Court Marriage Process in Pakistan

Christian Court Marriage Process in Pakistan

A person’s marriage is an important milestone in their life. This can be a time of joy, happiness, and fulfillment. Religious beliefs may prevent some couples from getting married. This is where Christian Court Marriage comes in. This is a legal form of marriage that allows couples to marry without violating their religious beliefs. If you need to get married but don’t want to violate your religious beliefs, consider Christian Court Marriage. Our Law Firm can assist you with the process and help you navigate it smoothly. We can be reached through Pak.Legal or by calling (+92) 316 66 44 789

Christian Court Marriage Process in Pakistan

Christian Court Marriage Procedure in Pakistan has never been simpler

Christian couples who want to get married with the legal protection of the court can apply through our website for the services of Christian Court Marriage registration and documentation in Pakistan.

Recently, the Supreme Court ordered union councils and NADRA to register Christian marriages and issue NADRA marriage certificates.

Christian wedding couples in Pakistan can now get their marriages registered under the protection of the courts.

The Christian Marriage Act of 1872

In accordance with Sections 28, 29, 30, and 37 of the Christian Marriages Act, 1872 (Act), individuals are permitted to register marriages in their own registers. Upon completion of each marriage register, the individual sends the details of the marriages they have registered to the Registrar General of Births, Deaths, and Marriages on a regular basis, according to Section 34 of the Act.

Since union councils were established under provincial laws, births, deaths, and marriages are now registered by union councils.  Christian births and deaths were registered by union councils, but Christian marriages were not. The Supreme Court ruled that Christian marriages can now be registered in Pakistan.

Christian Court Marriage requirements in Karachi, Islamabad, Rawalpindi, and Lahore

Christian Court Marriage requirements in Karachi, Islamabad, Rawalpindi, and Lahore

There are certain requirements that must be met if you want to get married in a Christian Court Marriage ceremony. We can help you determine if you qualify for a Christian Court Marriage in Karachi, Islamabad, Rawalpindi, and Lahore. 

  • You must first and foremost be a Christian. For traditional Muslim marriages, this is not a requirement, but it is a requirement for Christian ceremonies. Your ceremony will not be legally binding if you are not a Christian.
  • The second requirement is that both of you must have valid photo identification. Passports and driver’s licenses fall under this category. Your wedding will not be recognized by the government as a legal ceremony without proper identification. 
  • Third, both parties must appear before an official secretary of the court to sign an affidavit stating that they have agreed to marry each other under the jurisdiction of the court and that they understand the rights and responsibilities involved in such a union.
  • In addition, both parties must undergo blood tests by an accredited doctor to ensure that they are free of communicable diseases. The same applies if either party has children from a prior relationship who may wish to attend the wedding.
Christian Court Marriage Process in Pakistan

Christian Court Marriages Procedure in Pakistan

In order to obtain a Court Marriage for Christians, you should contact a law firm first. After the marriage has been solemnized according to Christian beliefs, the marriage documents will be registered in the church and in court. Documents can be used anywhere in Pakistan and abroad. For Christians, the Christian marriage law simplifies the Court Marriage process. A competent law firm must conduct the Court Marriage procedure in Pakistan to avoid future issues.

The Christian Court Marriage in Pakistan Requires Witnesses

Christian marriages in Pakistan require at least two witnesses. If you can bring it, that would be great, otherwise, we can arrange it.

Court Marriages between Muslims and Christians

Court Marriages are also permitted between Muslims and Christians if the groom is Muslim and the bride is Christian. Please contact us if you are a Christian and wish to conduct a Court Marriage in Pakistan.

Christian Court Marriage Process in Pakistan

Christian Court Marriage fees in Karachi, Islamabad, Rawalpindi, and Lahore

Due to the convenience and affordability, many Christian couples choose to get married in Christian courts in Karachi, Islamabad, Rawalpindi, and Lahore. It is often less expensive to get married in a Christian court than in a traditional venue like a hotel or registry office. A Christian Court Marriage also simplifies and streamlines the legal process for many Christian couples. An affordable and hassle-free way to get married is by getting married in a Christian court.

Get in touch with us to learn more about our Christian Court Marriage services

The experience of getting married in a Christian setting can be enhanced by contacting us for our Christian Court Marriage services. In our center, we understand that every couple is unique, and we want their wedding to reflect that. We will work tirelessly to ensure your wedding reflects your values and reflects who you are as a couple. In order to cement your marriage forever, we want to help you create a perfectly legal and religious ceremony. For more information about Christian Court Marriages, contact us today. Please contact us at (+92) 316 66 44 789.

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